A Thriving House System



    Our House system delivers a warm welcome and a feeling of instant belonging when your child joins Birchfield. We operate three ‘Houses’; Brelades, Brown and Watson and each one has its own Head of House and permanent team of pupils from Year 3 upwards, who work together to win accolades and trophies throughout the year.
    A system of individual House points is in place at Birchfield and is intended as a positive way of recording pupils’ contributions. Examples of great effort, work or citizenship are rewarded with House points and a much coveted cup is awarded to the House with the greatest number of House points in the school year at the end of the Academic year.
    House competitions take place every term and are hotly contested in many subjects from Music, and General Knowledge to Swimming, Tennis, and all our main sports, engendering pride, loyalty and teamwork in our children.
    All children benefit from working with other pupils of different ages. The older children work alongside young pupils in their Houses, encouraging effort and delivering skills whilst earning Leader Awards. The younger children feel they have friends further up the School which delivers many benefits, not least confidence.