PE lessons provide understanding of healthy lifestyles and the importance of looking after your body and your fitness and co-ordination. Classes are carefully balanced to deliver agility, flexibility and strength training exercises which form the basis of all other Birchfield sports. Each class enjoys one PE lesson a week from Reception to Year 11 with our experienced sports team.
    Once children progress to Year 2, Games sessions take place three times a week in addition to PE lessons. Our PE curriculum stretches the children and GCSE work is covered in Year 7 and 8, giving an excellent foundation for those who wish to choose PE as a GCSE subject. Alongside this Year 7 pupils complete the Young Leader award through Sports Leaders UK, planning and teaching lessons ranging from hand-eye co-ordination to flexibility. This culminates with the Year 7 pupils teaching Year 2 pupils to enhance continuity throughout the school.
    Birchfield is always seeking to innovate within the sports programme and consequently strives to offer different opportunities such as archery to our pupils.
    Another recent addition to the PE curriculum has been development for young golfers and Birchfield is now hosting our own junior golf tournament. We are very proud to have golfers within the school who are experiencing great success on a regional and national level.